Pushing the Envelope: All the Way to the Top

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Title Pushing the Envelope: All the Way to the Top
Publication Type Book
Pub Year 1998
Authors Mackay, H. B.
Publisher Ballantine Books
Keywords culture, ROWE, rules, time
Notes ROWE"Today, the numbers the phone company cares about are not on the clock but in the sales quotas. Salespeople can spend their working lives any way they care to, just so long as they hit their sales marks." (p. 295)
rules"More victims of technological change: As the old rules have vanished so have the people who have been enforcing them. The middle managers, the guardians of corporate culture, who checked out your wing tips and made sure you were at your desk on time, aren't needed anymore. The rules they enforced don't contribute to the bottom line. And corporate cultures don't mean much in an environment where the employee or even the corporation itself may disappear tomorrow." (p. 295)